Monday, December 26, 2011

The Four Christmases

The kids are spoiled completely by the people that love them.  Christmas Day we spend with my family and basically it looks like Christmas for 30 people when there is only 9 of us.  It totaly brings me back to my childhood though.  My parents definitely didn't cater to our every whim when we were kids, but Christmas and our Birthdays were amazing.  It seemed like my mom always heard my every wish and honestly other then an Easy Bake Oven :-) (special joke between her and I) every wish was granted.  My children are growing up in the same world where impromptu presents are clothes and things that they need for school or sports but Chirstmas and birthdays are special.  Between the three grandkids she spends the exact same amount within a $1 of each other...and makes sure that every wish is granted.
Cait loves snowglobes, we have at least six of them at our house and she loves Christmas time to see all of them in the stores and especially the ones people have in their homes.

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