Monday, April 25, 2011

Can I get a WooHoo...Cam scored an amazing goal!

Love Cam's hair, partly because everyone tells me he looks just like me rather than Tony!  Sad and weird all at the same time...but hey I hold on to what I can.  After I took this pic I decided OK maybe it's time for a trim so we caved and yes Cam did get his hair cut on Saturday...just an inch here and there!  If Cam doesn't play soccer for AC Milan someday...I am still banking on the J Crew Model thing :-)  Cam scored an amazing left footed goal on Saturday and of course I didn't get it :-(  Told him next time try not to have three guys covering you...whatever Mom! 

This never happens...

The sun and the moon aligned and my nephew had a baseball tournament in Dexter the same day Cam had a soccer tournament in Ann Arbor with the two only being 10 minutes apart.  I was able to jump back and forth between the two.  Cam's tournament was inside and Bryce's was outside where I got to weather the wonderful Michigan elements of 35 degrees rain and sleet...but through my lens it somehow looked like a beautiful day!   Bryce's team placed second in the tournament and the Airport Jets did a great job...I got to meet some of the great people that my brother talks about all time.  

The best thing about the day was watching Bryce pitch as I spent many years in the bleachers watching my brother pitch and really it felt like the last 25 years hadn't happened...Bryce is my brother to the core.  How great genetics are, that you can have a child that not only looks like you but also acts like you down to just simple mannerisms.  It made me feel like I was 12 years old again...which was totally awesome, I loved being 12 :-) I am sure Brian would like to be 16 again pitching for the Trojans!




Monday, April 18, 2011

Photo Class

I have spent the last two Saturdays in college taking a photo class...which has been great!  To be honest I want my pictures to be perfect, I want that moment when you sit back and just feel that it couldn't have been better...the Holy Grail, right!  So practice makes perfect and I have been practicing alot...attached are a few pics from our field shooting in Depot Town.  Which required me to take pictures of things that usually you don't see graced in my blog...for one there isn't one of my kids popping up :-)  Secondly, normally these things aren't beautiful to me nor would I take the time trying to get texture, negative space, perfect color match and depth. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

If Spring won't come to go to Spring!


I love flowers, to me they bring back something from my childhood where my mom and I would take a special spot in the garden and plant rows of flowers from seeds.  The excitement of planting, wondering if they would grow, what they would look like...if I would win a blue ribbon at the fair.  Now those things seem so simple but back then it was my project, something I would have to water, no hose within reach only multiple trips from the house with a watering can.  I did hate one thing about the process...the weeding which always meant there were snakes lurking around...ewww I could have definitely lived without that.

Once the flowers would bloom I would spend hours cutting them and arranging them into multiple vases that were always placed around the house.  I dreamed of being a florist, owning my own shop a place where things were so quiet but surrounded by beauty.  I compare my dream to what I do now and they could not be polar opposites...nothing is quiet and things of beauty are not right in front of you and most of the time you have to pick something apart to find the good.  But I do believe if I had become a florist I would have lost my love for flowers and would have strangled it into a business, one where I might not have even seen the flowers anymore.

When I was 8 my grandmother passed away and although my memory is faded I remember that she loved violets so much that I remember them sitting on the kitchen table or on the window ledge. At her funeral violets were everywhere they even were laid with her in the detail of everything.

Things happen for a reason and I am glad that even at the age of 37, I stop and smell, touch and just drink in the beauty of a simple thing like a flower...I hope I pass this onto Cait as I feel this is a multi-generation love of something so beautiful.