Monday, August 22, 2011

Knee boarding...checked off Cam's Life to do list

I know Cam will remember this weekend for the rest of his life.  He put fear aside and strapped a kneeboard to him.  First try almost up but the tip of the board grabbed a wave and down he went.  I was worried if he would try again and yep he jumped up ready to go.  Second time he was up and boarding all around the lake.  In 10 years I have never seen the amount of prolonged excitement that we got to experience this weekend.  Now I have two of them that tell me how that there are no boats on the water and that it is smooth as glass...we need to be out there!  Lastly, love love love this picture of my Dad up above with Cait hugging on him.

Cam will probably be doing this Tony just ordered Cam a Wake Board this weekend.  Oh it will fit Cait and I too!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What an awesome evening in The D

What a great evening!  All around to be able to have a beautiful 75 degree night, #1 and #2 in the Central Division with Tigers and Cleveland matching up, plus an evening with great friends...equates to great pictures and lots of fun.  The Tigers won and we got to see back to back homeruns and amazing fireworks.  Detroit looked amazing and I give props to whoever is in charge of reforming our city :-)
Carson and Cait goofing this little guy and his blue eyes.  With these two only being 5 months apart they sure do have a lot of fun together.
 Amazing seats that gave me the opportunity to take a few of these pics.

Cait and Julie are too funny together.  I can never get a normal picture of Cait with Julie for some reason the theatrics get high and the cheesing gets out of control.

Brayden and Cam are close in age too...only 4 months apart.  Jen and I were on the same pregnancy schedule there for a bit and we have had some great years of the kids growing up together.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Grandpa turns 83, pontoons and sunsets

Some pretty cool things happened last week and one small miracle.  My father in law has been battling bone cancer for the last two years and there is one thing I have learned about Grandpa Sam...the italian wine over the years must have produced some type of antibodies in him that no matter how complex the picture might look he plows right through it.  I hope I have the zest for life the way he does, always smiling, loving on his grandchildren and defies the odds everyday when you look at him...cancer what cancer?

We had our first real challenge last month, medicine that is working and stopping the cancer from growing but is not covered under Medicare.  This medicine commands a price of $5,500 a month and we have to wait until January before his Medicare supplement kicks in and will cover $4,000 of the cost.  My sister in law Jeanne who never stops fighting for her Dad sent a request to the medical company that makes the drug explaining our situation and our need for the medicine but also that it is working.  Which is very important to a drug company that just got FDA approval in January.  Thursday the miracle happened 6 months of the medicine showed up at my inlaws with no bill attached.  AMAZING!!!!!!

Life is good, precious and miraculous.  We had our own little miracle last week the kind that makes you know the world is filled with good people and not just the capitalists that they make some of us out to be.  This certain company which will remain nameless (John and Andy this is for you :-) But I will say I will hold this stock in my portfolio forever...why not invest in a company that invested in my kid's Grandpa.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Horses, bunnies, rides...oh my!

It is that time of year again for the Monroe County Fair.  One of the most calorie filled evenings you can run across.  With so many food options that for the whole day I eat nothing because I know 4000 calories are going to be going into my body.  First on the list is french fries, nice fountain coke and Vince's hot dogs,  Throughout the rest of the evening we ate independent dairy ice cream, more fries and a deep fried snickers.  Food coma is a great description of what I felt like on the ride home...but so worth it.  Besides the food, we got to see my niece Aleesha compete with her horse and her and Alanna's bunnies.  They both did great and received a ton of ribbons. 

Once the night started to come on we decided to head to the midway and let the kids ride the rides.  Cam and Bryce decided to ride the Ring of Fire with Alanna and Aleesha.  The girls came off the ride saying it was the greatest roller coaster ever, the boys came off with fear in their eyes and saying I will never do that again!