Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Feeling "Like a Rockstar" :-)

So something amazing happened this month...my first commercial shoot!  A place that is dear to my heart, and my stomach Flavor Fruit Farm http://www.flavorfruitfarm.com/, hired me to help update their website with some new pics for the Fall Season.  First off, I was so excited...that weird moment when it takes you back to being a kid when your like "what you like something about me"???  Second, my bucket has felt pretty empty lately so this sure did fill it right back up.  Third, ok I can do this...yeah I can do this!  The website went live on Labor Day and I was quite a proud photog.  We all remember our first try at anything...kiss, love, wedding, personal best running time, home, holding my child, and now being published by a website other then what I personally pay for :-) 

I am definitely not Famous or a Rockstar but this sure did make me feel that way.  Thanks Steve and Leslie for letting me be a part of something really cool.  Love this place, Love the Food, Love that my kids wake up on a Saturday morning wanting a donut.

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