My spanish comes basically from Dora the Explorer and Dora is a very nice girl little girl on Nickelodeon TV who says stuff like gracias, de nada, vamanos and she also knows how to count to like 10. Dora is Spanish so basically she can say a ton of words but she limits it for the 4 and 5 year old...and for the adults who watch this along with their little girls.
So while we were in Mexico, I wanted to blend...who am I kidding I have dark brown hair, brown skin, and brown eyes, every single person spoke to me in Spanish and when I would say "No hablo espanol", they looked at me like what kind of Mexican are you. So I blended alright, but I know only the words that Dora has taught me so I decided the one word I would say to everyone was "de nada" well for one it means your welcome and I believe that to be a very nice thing that you can say to someone when you have no clue of what they are saying to you. It worked well for me and everyone smiled at me...basically laughing at me :-)
We started out our trip in a Mexican dive and thanks to Priceline we spent the last two days of our trip at the Hilton which was amazing. To be honest I could have laid in the sun everyday for 8 hours the weather was so amazing and the warmth from the sun made you dream of a Michigan summer. I love Cancun soooooo much!
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