Huge delay in getting my latest blog post out as our internet has been offline since the beginning of January...kind of feel lost with all of these pictures and nothing to do with them. Thankfully I am at a wifi spot :-)
Christmas went by fast as usual but this year brought some amazing moments. We tried to do a lot of good deeds this year, giving things to homeless people like blankets and gloves, dropping medications off to the local women's shelter...trying to do little things that mean a lot to people but also show my children that there are things out there that are more important than the presents they open. Lots of questions arose some which were amazing, others that made me laugh uncontrollably...mostly just made me stop and think that we were making a difference.
Random acts of kindness....that is the goal for 2011. This is a hard concept for my children to understand but hopefully they are present for some of my random acts which can only bring smiles and warm hearts. To think of me second and put everyone else first...
Highlights of the season included many visits with family and friends, learning how to make cannolis from Grandma Tina (only took me 20 years...but I got it), Cait getting her own TV and a new American Girl doll, Cam getting a bow and arrow that he loves to shoot even though it is zero degrees out, and our annual trip to Double JJ...great ending to 2010.
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