What a fun summer day! It was 92 degrees and you could only stand the shade or be directly in the water. The stars aligned and we spent the day in our swimsuits but also both of my chicklets were in great moods...which gave me the rare opportunity to snap some pics of them actually having fun which included lots of dancing, some posing and some toes being stepped on :-)
These two are my chocolate and vanilla, they are my swirl cone the kind you get in the summer at Freddie Freeze's.
School starts soon and we are spending every minute we can having fun and relaxing at the lake.
Cam looks like a future J Crew model my mom's friends say...wait till they see the black and white above!
Went through the normal emotions today...loving them, wanting to lock them in a closet when they were fighting over the water rafts, missing them when they were away from me for more than 5 minutes, laughing at Cam taunt me while we were tubing and kissing Cait's sweet face when she fell asleep on the boat.
Sitting on the deck of the lake house writing this blog and wondering if heaven looks like this :-)