Whenever Cait gets excited, she says yahoo! I adopted that feeling today when we went to check on our new lake house. Builder Bill says three more weeks and we will be able to move in. It has been a long 6 months but really has been a lot of fun. Until this experience, I would have rated building a house right there with child birth on the pain factor. But this truly has went smooth and he is an awesome guy to work with. We are now at the point where I just can't wait, I want to decorate, clean, put up all of the pictures I have been taking, and lastly just sit back, relax and watch the boats go by...
When it comes to life the quote above pretty much sums up my existance. I love the little things in life! The things my children do that make me smile or remind me of myself or Tony. The way someone can brighten your whole day and not even know it...life should be moments, glances, and memories. I have created this blog to capture as many as I can.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter the new Christmas
Easter has started to become the new Christmas in my family. The kids woke up early and when I say early I mean like 6:30am, the Easter Bunny was sleeping still. Luckily, the kids went back to bed and we were able to get up and get things ready. The Easter bunny hid eggs all over the backyard and the kids had a blast running around grabbing each and everyone of them. Inside there was a basket from Mom and Dad full of things the kids love like books, Hannah Montana karaoke CD Cait and a Speed Beetle yoyo for Cam.
We then went to Uncle Brian and Aunt Liz's for another Easter Egg Hunt along with a room full of presents. We overdue holidays in the Colpaert family and we always have. Easter is full of new clothes from Grandma, water guns and cool toys for the summer. Harley and Kathy are always there and somehow Kathy always tops herself from the year prior getting the kids the coolest things, like kites and pinwheels. Grandma and Grandpa got Cait her own Princess fishing pole...yahoo!
We then top the evening off at the Bacarella's where I try to eat more after I just ate a full meal earlier in the day and the kids run outside for a great Easter Egg Hunt. I just want a Grandma Tina cannoli...which are the best in the world. The Easter eggs have money and candy which seemed to be the theme at all three egg hunts...we were never this lucky! It was great to see Conner our great nephew walking this year and all of his excitement. I don't like be called his Great Aunt Jen ( I am way to young to be called that), so I am Super Aunt Jen :-) In this family we do crazy things like my niece Alanna having a hard time always deciphering between her three aunts as our names are Jan, Jen, and Jeanne....so I let he re-name me last year to Aunt Marissa. I asked her where she thought of that name and she said it was because I looked like a Princess...sooooo Aunt Marissa it is, I always wanted to be a princess.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday Cait
Well Cait celebrates her birthdays like I used to...for like two weeks! We started out this year's celebration with a birthday party at Uncle Brian and Aunt Liz's, where we celebrate three birthdays, Cait, Uncle Brian's and mine.

Next we went to Jungle Java with all of her friends, which was a blast, 22 kids, and three hours of pandomonium. The first and last of the big birthday parties, so we made sure to invite all of her friends from school.
We then took the 24th off and picked her up early from school. From there we went to Build a Bear and ate a yummy pretzel from Auntie Anne's. The pretzel place is Cait and I's secret vice...they are so good but so bad for you!!! Tony wasn't impressed. We picked Cam up from school and went to Red Robin...where we all sat at the bar, Cam swears it is quicker up there.
Lastly, on Easter we celebrated her birthday with her cousin Alanna with all of the Bacarella's.
My little one was so excited to be 5, and I was so sad to think that it has been 5 years since I held her for the first time. Time flies...but it speeds by when you have kids. She is so beautiful because her heart is soooo big just like her eyes. Having her brings so many things to us, but the ones that stick out in my mind are: how she stops to pick every flower she walks by only to give it to me, how she collects rocks on the playground and brings them home for the washing machine to clean, how she holds her baby doll and you can tell how great of a Mom she will be someday, hugs and kisses whenever you want them or least expect them, the expressions and faces she makes, and lastly without Cait I would have never got to enjoy or see how great of a big brother Cam is. The last 5 years have brought us countless memories of life with a little girl...
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