Monday, February 22, 2010

Can snow really be this beautiful?

If you know me, you know that I love sun, the beach and a nice lounge chair by the pool. I have never been a fan of winter, to me you only get days that look like this for maybe 6 hours and then everything starts to get slushy and that winter dream turns into just another cold day. I was home with the kids today and I was so excited to snap some pics. For my warm weather friends be jealous, because today is one of those days where Michigan can leave you speechless.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Drive me to Oakwood

Our summer house is coming along beautifully and truthfully, I think I almost cried on Saturday when we went there. I have always heard about places that take your breath away or somewhere that your feet feel so deeply planted in the ground that years can go by and you feel as if they were minutes. I just feel that way when I step on this piece of property. As I stood on the deck looking out into the water all I could think of is my little monkeys running through the yard laughing as I sat surrounded by friends and family. With me now firmly in my 30's I just want to stop and breathe, hear the quiet and just love life! May can't come soon enough but once it gets here I want to stop time immediately...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Swimming in the Winter

Well its that time of year when we act like it's summer and we swim inside in the nice warm rec center in Saline. With us being surrounded by water this summer we wanted to make sure that Cam and Cait's swimming skills were brushed up on. As you can tell they are having a blast :-)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pinewood Derby 2010

Cam had a super fabulous day this past it was Pinewood Derby Day! We started Cub Scouts in the Fall of 2009 and Cam has just enjoyed every minute of it...but the Derby definitely seems like his favorite thing so far. Tony and Cam spent the last two weeks getting his car in to tip top shape for the big race. 40 kids came together on Saturday to see who had the fastest car. Cam's car did very well and we took away some good pointers for next year...and of course I got some great pics :-) He also was presented with his first patch as he completed some of his coursework along with receiving the award for Most Original Design. They did a ceremony that included painting the boys faces with colors that symbolized achievements and the true meaning of The Pack. Both sets of Grandparents were there and loved seeing how happy he was.